The Restaurant in Pelican Crossing – Maggie Christensen

Hello Loves!

I’m so sorry I’ve been so absent. We are deep into GCSE season and I’ve managed to get my lovely Year 11s through three of their four English papers and through to half term relatively unscathed. As a result though, I’ve been rubbish at reading and reviewing and I’ve missed my deadline for this book. However, I’m here today to share with you my belated stop on the blog tour for a gorgeous book that I know you’ll love. The Restaurant in Pelican Crossing by Maggie Christensen gave me all those warm, fuzzy feelings that I needed today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

What’s it about?

Centred around protagonist Poppy Taylor, this cute coastal town story follows life in Pelican Crossing. After losing her beloved husband, Jack, five years before, Poppy believed that this was her lot in life. She’s got her beautiful daughters and a thriving restaurant she took over from her parents and ran with her husband. However, when her youngest daughter gets married, she finds herself at home with companion dog, Angus, wondering if she’s now missing something. Poppy has to be one of my favourite protagonists: selfless, caring and genuinely lovely.

We also learn about Cam Mitchell in the novel. Her husband’s best friend, he has always had a soft spot for Poppy. They have an easy relationship built on routines like their Sunday meals together. When Poppy shares with him her plans to change her own life, Cam sees that as an opportunity to show her how he really feels about her.

‘Maybe, with Poppy’s new outlook on life, there would be a chance for him to become more than her husband’s old friend…Maybe he could persuade her to see him in a different light.’

It doesn’t go swimmingly though as there is an old friend that arrives in Pelican Crossings. Jordan Butler. He seems to be asking questions and sniffing around the town with strange intentions. There’s history between him and Poppy so could this get in their way of the chance of happiness? Or will she get another opportunity at love?

Final Thoughts

This book is just the cutest. I really enjoyed reading it and it’s the best way to start half term. I loved the descriptions of the setting, I felt like I was on the beach myself. It’s obvious why Poppy doesn’t want to leave such a beautiful place. I actually also really liked the majority of the characters which I don’t normally get! It was a really wholesome read and perfect for the summer!

Happy Half Term everyone! I’ll be back across this week with some super posts and I’m really excited to crack on with some reading!

Big Love! Xxx

6 thoughts on “The Restaurant in Pelican Crossing – Maggie Christensen

  1. Charley, this sounds such a lovely book and just what you needed to read right now. Hope you can relax over the holidays and well done to all your students- it is a super stressful time!


  2. Those are precious books! I’m fine and just back from a six week break in Sweden! It was wonderful and I feel re-energised – staying in the midst of the forest with no wifi or TV, pure bliss! Read tons and one of my favourites was The Covenant of Water – have you read it? If not, it’s long but doesn’t feel like it and just wonderful!


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